
Cathie remembers feeling exceptionally exhausted and

Last updated: 7/8/2022

Cathie remembers feeling exceptionally exhausted and

Cathie remembers feeling exceptionally exhausted and irritable every January. After years of struggling with this "winter depression," Cathie went to talk to a physician about her health concerns. She was diagnosed as having Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. Millions of Americans are also affected by this disease, which causes anxiety, fatigue, and food cravings. SAD is associated with lower intensity and abbreviated periods of sunshine. The dark, gloomy hours of winter along with the shortened days cause this disorder to be the most severe from November through March. People who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder claim to find relief with exercise and bright-light therapies. Based on the passage, where in the United States would a physician encounter the most cases of SAD? A. southern Florida B. northern Minnesota C. eastern Virginia D. western lowa E. southwestern Arizona