4 In the determination of Young s modulus by using Searle s
Last updated: 6/25/2023

4 In the determination of Young s modulus by using Searle s method a wire of length L 2 m and diameter d 0 5 mm is used For a load M 2 5 kg an extension 0 25 mm in the length of the wire is observed Quantities d and I are measured using a screw gauge and a micrometer respectively They have the same pitch of 0 5 mm The number of divisions on their circular scale is 100 The contributions to the maximum probable error of the Y measurement Y 4MLg Ald A due to the errors in the measurements of d and I are the same B due to the error in the measurement of d is twice that due to the error in the measurement of 1 C due to the error in the measurement of I is twice that due to the error in the measurement of d D due to the error in the measurement of d is four times that due to the error in the f 1