into the shape of an inverted U such that the horizontal
Last updated: 6/26/2023

into the shape of an inverted U such that the horizontal part has a length 1 15 cm The bent ends of the wire are partially immersed in two pools of mercury with 2 5 cm of each end below the mercury s surface The entire structure is in a region containing a uniform 0 0065 T magnetic field directed into the page An electrical connection from the mercury pools is made through the ends of the wires The mercury pools are connected to a 1 5 V battery and a switch S When switch S is closed the wire jumps 35 cm into the air measured from its initial position Based on the facts provided answer the following questions 0 The speed A 5 2 ms C 70 cms Mercury S 15 V Mercury of the wire as it leaves the mercury is B 2 5 ms D 7 cms