Kaniska Joshi Register No 23 Class XI A 6 Spelling Mistake
Last updated: 9/15/2023

Kaniska Joshi Register No 23 Class XI A 6 Spelling Mistake on the Shaala Darpan Portal Imagine that you are Rabindra Khurana a student of class XI You come to know that there is mistake in the spelling of your name on the portal of Shaala Darpan Write a letter to the principal of your school to update the spelling of your name Ans Ram Mandir Road Matalwas 30 December 20 The Principal Govt Senior Secondary School Matalwas Subject Error in the entry on the Portal of Shaala Darpan Sir Respectfully I am a student of class XI A of your school Yesterday I visited the portal of Shaala Darpan and found out that there was mistake in the spelling of my name It is a kind of clerical error It is as under What is uploaded Ravindra Kurana What must be uploaded Rabindra Khurana I am enclosing my birth certificate and Aadhaar Card for your perusal It will be very kind if you please update it and do the needful With best regards Yours obediently Rabindra Khurana ject For incor spectfully I an at our class has de whole set of the detail of the Hornbill Snapsho fat fet Physics Chemi Biolog We made req tests are at h to us as earl With best re Yours obedi Shantanu S Monitor Class XI A 11 8 Cleanin Imagine th not been cl to clean th