Racial imagery is central to the organisation of the modern
Last updated: 2/3/2024

Racial imagery is central to the organisation of the modern world At what cost regions and countries export their goods whose voices are lis tened to at international gatherings who bombs and who is bombed who gets what jobs housing access to health care and education what cultural activities are subsidised and sold in what terms they are validated these are all largely inextricable from racial imagery The myriad minute deci sions that constitute the practices of the world are at every point informed by judgments about people s capacities and worth judgements based on what they look like where they come from how they speak even what they eat that is racial judgements Race is not the only factor governing these things and people of goodwill everywhere struggle to overcome the prejudices and barriers of race but it is never not a factor never not in play And since race in itself insofar as it is anything in itself refers to some intrinsically insignificant geographical physical differences between people it is the imagery of race that is in play There has been an enormous amount of analysis of racial imagery in the past decades ranging from studies of images of say blacks or Ameri can Indians in the media to the deconstruction of the fetish of the racial Other in the texts of colonialism and post colonialism Yet until recently a notable absence from such work has been the study of images of white people Indeed to say that one is interested in race has come to men that one is interested in any racial imagery other than that of white people Yet race is not only attributable to people who are not white nor is imagery of mon white people the only racial imagery This essay is about the racial imagery of white people not the images of other races in white cultural production but the latter s imagery of white people themselves This is not done merely to fill a gap in the ana tic literature but because there is something at stake in looking at or 9