0 1 point ccording to the tutorial which TWO answers below
Last updated: 1/22/2024

0 1 point ccording to the tutorial which TWO answers below demonstrate what it means to cknowledge that information has value Purchasing or renting the correct textbooks for all classes X Crediting creators of information appropriately Missed Option Incorrect X Accessing information legally Being on time and prepared for class each day Selected Answer Incorrect 1 1 point One way that you can act with academic integrity is whenever students attempt to gain an unearned academic advantage Plagiarism is claiming the published or unpublished work of someone else as your own This includes handing in someone else s work turning in copied or purchased compositions using paragraphs sentences phrases words or ideas including paraphrasing written by another writer or using data and or statistics compiled by someone else as your own without giving appropriate credit to the original writer Plagiarism also includes using your work submitted in another class without permission of your current instructor When a faculty member discovers a violation of the university s policy of academic integrity the faculty member will meet with the student s involved and is required to notify the Dean of Students office and detail the alleged violation including the name s of the student s suspected the class in which the alleged violation occurred the circumstances of the alleged violation and the evidence including witnesses supporting the allegation The faculty member will also formally notify the student s suspected of violating the university s policy of academic integrity the department chair fo the course involved in the incident and the appropriate school dean The Dean of Students or designee will investigate confer with the faculty member student s and any witnesses identified ar review all evidence submitted by the faculty member and student s to impose an administrative sanction beyond the academic penalty already placed by the faculty member Students who perform dishonestly in this course may earn zero credit on the assignment exam or a failing grade in the course depending on the level of severity of the offense