
1 Rate This Product An online shopping site asks customers

Last updated: 11/6/2023

1 Rate This Product An online shopping site asks customers

1 Rate This Product An online shopping site asks customers to rate the products they buy on a scale from 1 strongly dislike to 5 strongly like The invitation to rate a recent purchase is sent by email to customers one week after they purchase a product and customers can choose to ignore the invitation Which of the following is the most important reason a confidence interval based on the data from such ratings is of little use for the mean rating by all customers who purchase a particular product Comment briefly on each reason to explain your answer a For some products the number of customers who purchase the product is small so the margin of error will be large b Many of the customers may not read their email or have a spam filter that wrongly identifies the email requesting a review as spam c The customers who provide ratings can t be considered a random sample from the population of all customers who purchase a particular product