1 Why are the four major groups of dietary fat can be
Last updated: 5/25/2023

1 Why are the four major groups of dietary fat can be classified in this particular order 30 50 words 1 Polyunsaturated fats containing omega 3 fatty acids 2 Monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats that do not contain omega 3s 3 Saturated fats 4 Trans fats 2 Using your knowledge of lipid structure and properties and any other scientifically reliable online or printed resources create a 150 word explanation of how different types of dietary fat affect our cardiovascular health Hint Use such key terms as cholesterol HDL LDL and arteries Make sure to use your own words and cite outside sources that you have used 3 In 100 words indicate the major sources of fat in your diet and characterize them in terms of healthy and unhealthy If your fat diet is not heart healthy provide specific recommendations on how to increase your consumption of healthy fats and decrease your consumption of Inhealthy fats Recommend specific foods Take into account your taste preferences If your fat diet is mostly heart healthy provide specific recommendations on how to increase the consumption of healthy fats and decrease the consumption of unhealthy fats for a friend or a relative Take into account that person s taste preferences Rubrics