
10 pts In September 2007 only 48 of working class households

Last updated: 12/10/2023

10 pts In September 2007 only 48 of working class households

10 pts In September 2007 only 48 of working class households said their incomes were falling behind the cost of living A survey of 50 random working class households in early February 2008 found that 32 of them now felt their incomes were falling behind Do these data provide sufficient evidence at the 0 01 level of significance to conclude that the proportion of working class households who say their incomes are falling behind the cost of living is higher in February 2008 than it was in September 2007 a What type of test are we using Since we have a single group working class households and are comparing the proportions for the same at two differe times this is a paired sample test Since we re interested in whether the proportion in February 2008 is higher than in September 2007 this is a right tailed test b Do we meet the assumptions for normality for this type of test justify your response