
12 The following data represent the number of days absent x

Last updated: 6/21/2023

12 The following data represent the number of days absent x

12 The following data represent the number of days absent x and the final grade y for a sample of college students in a general education course at a large university y 0 89 2 1 86 4 2 83 5 3 81 1 4 78 2 5 73 9 6 64 3 7 71 8 8 65 5 9 66 2 a Find the least squares regression line treating number of absences as the explanatory variable and final grade as the response variable b Interpret the slope and y intercept c Predict the final grade for a student who misses five class periods and compute the residual Is the final grade above or below average for the number of absences Draw the least squares regression line on the scatter diagram of the data d e Would it be reasonable to use the least squares regressions line to predict the final grade for a student who has missed 15 class periods Why or Why not