16 An alternating emf of frequency v 2 LC is applied to a
Last updated: 6/27/2023

16 An alternating emf of frequency v 2 LC is applied to a series L C R circuit For the frequency of the applied emf 1 the circuit is at resonance and its impedance is made up only of a reactive part 2 The current in the circuit is in phase with the applied emf and voltage across R equals the applied emf 3 the sum of the potential difference across the inductance and capacitance equals the applied emf which is 180 ahead of phase of the current in the circuit 4 the quality factor of the circuit is 1 CR 16 faza fauc arafu v OL R or and this is measure of the voltage magnification produced by the circuit at L C R enginfor 1 t 2 a ft RIGH fan fav 3 du fawaink an die T 180 4 factual que CL R 2x LC all CR TEE he