2015 University of North 300 300 Mundey PACIFIC OCEAN Mexica
Last updated: 2/29/2024

2015 University of North 300 300 Mundey PACIFIC OCEAN Mexica Empire Barra de Navidad NORTH AMERICA Quivira NE COMM Hudson Bay Gulf of Mexico Sedacone San Miguel de Gualdape 1526 Fort Caroline 1564 45 St Augustine 1565 Cuba Bahamas 10 Jamaica Santiago de Cabe ATLANTIC OCEAN Caribbean Sea 8 25 6 3 Puerto Rico FIGURE 1 2 The Spanish and French Invade North America 1519 1565 From Michael Schaller et al vol 1 of American Horizons U S History in a Global Context New York Oxford University Press 2012 29 By permission of Oxford University Press U S A At this point colored lines begin to appear marking the different routes of intrepid Europeans with lvar N ez Cabeza de Vaca Hernando de Soto Jacques Cartier Samuel Champlain Giovanni da Verrazzano and later John Smith competing to cover greater distances and claim more territory for their rulers Political borders first make an appearance in textbook maps of America only with the establishment of the British colonies New France New Netherlands and New Spain all of them new creations that rewrite historical spaces as European and in so doing deny the past of America s indigenous populations According to this cartographic vision there are no old worlds in the Americas Only then does America have towns for the first time Quebec Montreal Boston Jamestown New Orleans Santa Fe The most ubiquitous map design for this period of American history divides the continent into Spanish English and French territories draw ing borders for European claims far beyond the geographical reach of lors did