
25 The cardiac parasympathetic nervous system

Last updated: 9/25/2023

25 The cardiac parasympathetic nervous system

25 The cardiac parasympathetic nervous system neurotransmitter receptors are A Nicotinic B Muscarinic C Alpha D Beta E None of the above 26 When the left ventricle ejects blood into the aorta The pressure in the represents the preload and the pressure in the represents the afterload A Right atrium left atrium B Right ventricle pulmonary artery C Left ventricle pulmonary artery D Left ventricle aorta E None of the above 27 If a patient suffered left ventricular failure a good treatment could be to A Reduce left ventricular preload and give the patient a negative inotropic agent B Reduce the left ventricular afterload and give the patient a positive inotropic agent C Increase the right ventricular preload and give a negative inotropic agent D Increase the left ventricular afterload and give a negative inotropic