3 1 Entra Answer the questions below The melanic peppered
Last updated: 5/16/2023

3 1 Entra Answer the questions below The melanic peppered moth s dark coloring is passed to its progeny and thus is an inheritable trait This moth is shown in Figure 1 Figure 1 Tito Researchers have studied the melanic peppered moth in both Britain and the United States from the ate 1950s to the mid 1990s These researchers ave monitored both the population of the melanic eppered moth and the levels of soot pollution in attempt to correlate the two values dy 1 searchers calculated the percentage of melanic ths at sites in both Britain and the United tes and tabulated this data over a course of e than 30 years This calculation is shown in re 2 top To account for any change in the entage of melanic moths the total number of s during June and July were also observed g the same course of more than 30 years calculation is also shown in Figure 2 bottom melanic moths total number of moths 100 90 80 10 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1959 1963 1959 L 1963 1967 1967 1971 1975 1979 1983 1971 1975 1987 1991 1995 Figure 2 1979 1983 1987 1991 1995 Study 2 After analyzing the results from Study 1 the researchers then looked at the pollution levels in both the United States and in Britain The pollution levels from Detroit US over a span of 26 years is shown in Figure 3 top Accordingly the pollution levels from a site in Britain over a span of 26 years is shown in Figure 3 bottom 1 988242SO concentration g m suspended particulates g m 35 0 90 80 60 50 1964 year in Detroit year in Britain Figure 3 Lesson 3 Support of Hypotheses Part 1 The scientists hypothesized that the population of the melanic peppered moth decreased with the decrease of particulate air pollution because the moths were then more susceptible to predation and thus could not pass their genes on to the next generation Do Figures 2 and 3 support this hypothesis A No the decrease of the peppered moth population correlates with the overall decrease of moth numbers B Yes the decrease of the peppered moth population correlates with the decrease of SO and particulate pollution C No there was no noticeable decrease in the numbers of the peppered moth population D Yes the decrease of the peppered moth population and the total moth population correlate with the decrease of SO and particulate pollution 2 Suppose it is discovered that rising pollution levels of certain carbon compounds not tested in this study led to an increase in the overall percentage of melanic moths in the general moth population This discovery would most strongly contradict which of the following figures F Figure 2 top G Figure 2 bottom H Figure 3 top J Figure 3 bottom 3 Suppose a separate study confirms that the percentage of melanic moths decreases with decreasing levels of pollution Do the results of Study 2 support the statement The number of melanic moths fell in Detroit but increased in Great Britain A Yes because the graphs show decreasing levels of pollution in Detroit but increasing levels of pollution in Great Britain B Yes because the graphs show a relatively stable amount of melanic moths in Detroit but a sharp drop in melanic moths in Great Britain C No because pollution levels in both Detroit and Great Britain fell which would indicate a decrease in the percentage of melanic moths for both countries D No because pollution levels in Great Britain decreased while the pollution levels in Detroit increased which would indicate that the number of melanic moths increased in Detroit and fell in Great Britain