38 Write the IUPAC name of H CH C CH CH CH C CH a b 1 OH 6 6
Last updated: 6/28/2023

38 Write the IUPAC name of H CH C CH CH CH C CH a b 1 OH 6 6 dibromoheptan 2 ol 2 2 dibromoheptan 6 ol c 6 6 dibromoheptan 1 ol d none of these a T S P b S T P 39 When phenol is treated with CHCl3 and NaOH the product formed in a Benzaldehyde b Salicylaldehyde c salicyclic acid d benzoic acid 40 Order of esterification of alcohols is C P S T d P T S Br 41 When ether is exposed in air for sometime an explosive substance produced is a Peroxide b TNT c Oxide d super oxides 42 Lucas test is used for distinction of a Alcohols b Phenols c alkyl halides d aldehydes 43 IUPAC name of the compound CH CH CH CH CH is T OH CH3 Br a 4 methylpentene 2 ol b 2 methylpentanol 4 c 4 4 dimethyl butan 2 ol d 4 methylpentan 2 ol