5 Given the points A 3 0 1 and B 2 1 0 a Find the point Con
Last updated: 12/21/2023

5 Given the points A 3 0 1 and B 2 1 0 a Find the point Con the YZ plane i e the plane spanned by j and k such the points A B and Care collinear b Find the distance between the origin and the line passing through the points A and B c Determine whether the points A and Bare on the same side of the plane 7x y z 1 6 a If u 0 1 1 and v p 4 p then find the parameter p such that the angle between vectors u and v is 3 b Show that if u and v are vectors in R such that u vand u v have the same length then u and v are orthogonal c If u v and w are vectors in R then prove the identity 6u vxw u 3w 2v