7 Consider building the following resistor a square ABCD of
Last updated: 6/30/2023

7 Consider building the following resistor a square ABCD of side length and connect the centers of each side to form another square Connect the centers of each side of this square to form yet another square and so on to infinity Assume that all the wires in the circuit have the same cross section and resistivity Resistance of each side of square ABCD is R c A xR 3 A A3 A2 KA4 D D3 B B2 BKB BA B3 D4 D2 D B C4 C2 C3 C If the resistance between opposite corners A and C of the square ABCD is xR x is a numerical factor the resistance between corners A2 and C is a xR C b xR 2 d None of these