
A college statistics class conducted a survey of how

Last updated: 7/12/2022

A college statistics class conducted a survey of how

A college statistics class conducted a survey of how students spend their money. They gathered data from a large random sample of college students who estimated how much money they typically spent each week in different categories (e.g., food, entertainment, etc.). The following statistics were calculated for money spent weekly on food: mean = $31.52; median $30.00; interquartile range = $34.00; standard deviation = $21.60; range = $132.50. The class determined that a mistake had been made and a value entered as 138 should have been entered as 38. They recalculate all of the statistics. Which of the following would be true? A. The value of the median decreases, the value of the mean stays the same. B. The values of the median and mean both decrease. C. The value of the median stays the same, the value of the mean decreases.