a Irms lo c Irmis 10 T To are related as 1994 b Irms 2 10 d
Last updated: 6/8/2023

a Irms lo c Irmis 10 T To are related as 1994 b Irms 2 10 d Irms 1 2 1994 68 An series L C R circuit is connected to a source of A C current At resonance the phase difference between the applied voltage and the current in the circuit is a T b zero d 2 c 4 1994 09 Two cables of copper are of equal lengths One of them has a single wire of area of cross section A while other has 10 wires of cross sectional area A 10 each Give their suitability for transporting A C and D C a only multiple strands for A C either for D C b only multiple strands for A C only single strand for D C c only single strand for D C either for A C d only single strand for A C either for D C 1994 70 If N is the number of turns in a coil the value of self inductance varies as b N d a N c 1993 75