A study of freely forming groups in bars throughout Europe
Last updated: 9/14/2023

A study of freely forming groups in bars throughout Europe examined the number of individuals found in groups whose members were laughing together The study reported on a total of 501 laughing groups distributed as follows Number of individuals in 2 3 4 5 6 Side by Side group Number of groups 254 168 52 216 G Dezecache and R I M Dunbar Sharing the joke the size of natural laughter groups Evolution and Human Behavior 33 2012 pp 775 779 doi 10 1016 j evolhumbehav 2012 07 002 Macmillan Learning Compute the mean laughing group size paying attention to the fact that the data are presented in frequencies x Does the computed mean fit your expectation This because the mean is fit with the prior expectation than the media