and radius r is rotating with an angular velocity on a rough
Last updated: 6/13/2023

and radius r is rotating with an angular velocity on a rough horizontal plane A uniform and constant magnetic field B is applied perpendicular and into the plane An inductor L and an external resistance R are connected through a switch S between centre of the disc O and point P The point P always touches the circumference of the disc Initially the switch S is open Take coeffi cient of friction between the plane and disc as u Assuming the disc has no resistance P B L vorrors A The induced emf across the terminals of the switch is Bor2 when disc has angular speed B The switch is closed at t 0 the torque re quired about the centre of the disc is 1 4 B r mgr 4 S to maintain the constant angular speed wat steady state C The current in the circuit as a function of time will be given as Br w 2R R 1 eL when disc has a constant angular speed w D The switch is closed at t 0 the torque required 3 3 umar to maintain the con