b who le to a 20 volt potential The and pure 40 mH coil is
Last updated: 6/25/2023

b who le to a 20 volt potential The and pure 40 mH coil is so that LC oscillations are e coil is JEE Main Online 2018 10 mA 4A tal wire are lying on a oop A carries a current e the loop B 1999 UPSEAT 2003 05 H The current region a Is zero b Decreases as c Increases as r d Decreases as 1 r 1 2 X X X X Y X le centre of the cir IIT JEE Screening 2 X X B t X X X 2 Xx X XX Pens loops se closed a clockwise an induced current closed for a long ti flows in Q Then th E are A coil of wire having finite inductance and resistance ha conducting ring placed coaxially within it The col connected to a battery at time t 0 so that a time depende current starts flowing through the coil If It is s current induced in the ring and B t is the magnetic field a the axis of the coil due to 1 t then as a function of t 0 the product 1 t B t IIT JEE Screening 2000 a Increases with time b Decreases with time c Does not vary with time d Passes through a maximum 1 Two circular coils can be arranged in any of the three situations shown in the figure Their mutual inductance will be IIT JEE Screening 2001 Batter a Respectiv b Both cloc c Both ant d Respect