caption that the image is borrowed and from whom There is a
Last updated: 1/31/2024

caption that the image is borrowed and from whom There is a file below that contains a description of the DNA ladder There should never be any lines that extend beyond the boundaries of the image all lines should be around the image of the gel There should never be any arrows on or around your gel image Crop the gel image to include only the important wells DNA ladder the sample and the control only yours or those that you borrowed Primer design You must be able to digest the PCR product with the two different restriction enzymes that produce sticky ends on either side of the gene Make sure to indicate the choice of enzyme and where the palindrome sequence is located Your primers should be between 15 and 25 base pairs and should only appear once in the e ther team or your partner be sure to indicate in the sequence The Tm of both primers should be shown Please note that restriction enzyme sites added onto the primer do not contribute to their Tm Both primers should be shown aligned against the amplified pBR322 sequence and all elements should be labelled refer to the example provided General Guidelines Layout of the page is important when presenting any figure The image or figure should take about