childhood However shingles is manifested affects humans
Last updated: 5/14/2023

childhood However shingles is manifested affects humans during their in adult people Why a Chronic condition b Extended prodromal period e Prolonged illness d Recurrence 6 Concerning the ability of pathogens to deal with the host defensive mechanisms such as phagocytosis C5a peptidase a enables survival within the phagocyte b prevents chemotaxis e interferes with recognition and attachment d allows the pathogen to prevent fusion of the phagosome with the lysosome 7 The allows for camouflage a IgA protease b Fe receptors for antibodies of Streptococcus pyogenes c streptolysin O d capsule made of hyaluronic acid 8 Vibrio cholerae causes intestinal cells of the human body to continuously secrete electrolytes and water leading to watery diarrhea The toxin that causes it is one example of a neurotoxin b cytotoxin enterotoxin d endotoxin