Directions After identifying the amino acid sequences for
Last updated: 4/11/2024

Directions After identifying the amino acid sequences for your gene follow the model below to construct the resulting structure of each protein on your own sheet 1 Using graph paper provided start your sequence in the third box down and third box from the left 2 The original protein will be contained within the first sheet and the other three proteins should each be on their own sheets for comparison 3 Write the first three letters of the amino acids into the three boxes if space allows Where boxes may be too small shade the boxes in and label each amino acid next to that shape 4 Use the key on the following page to assemble each protein Once all 4 models have been drawn on your graph paper you can more easily determine where the shape of the protein has changed if at all Circle the point at which the shape first changed in each altered protein Answer the following questions based on your completed translated sequences What is an addition insertion What is a substitution What is a frameshift What is a silent mutation Of the four mutation types above which can cause one of the others Explain using evidence