discussion 10 points possible iscussion Post A due Feb 25 at
Last updated: 2/18/2024

discussion 10 points possible iscussion Post A due Feb 25 at 6pm pard Posts 25 total of your participation you will write 200 word minimum the readings as well as responding to at least one other post In want to see concrete examples where you critically reflect on the can include citing specific photographs and photographers onnections between different readings ideas themes and or the argument Please refer to my separate guide on discussion posts 5 Posts are due by Sunday 6pm almost every week There will not were forced to make pictures before after or surrounding an event The action was inevitably filled in by later oral or textual descriptions accompanying the picture Visual artifacts from the scene and views of the site or of the area were considered worthy subjects Photographers involved with this type of work can be compared to police crime scene photographers always arriving after the fact They described what had occurred but never captured the actual event in progress Although today these images could hardly be considered news pho tographs at the time they were regarded as dynamic factual and timely EARLY WAR COVERAGE Daguerreotypes were made of nearly every possible subject and reportage was considered crucial to photography s future People wanted to see current events as reported by the camera They believed photography to be a part of the new sci entific method assigning to it an objectivity that other media did not possess This belief helped to legitimize the role of the arts as a vehicle that would encourage ledge and promote moral progress 0