Discussion Post A Board Posts 25 total re of your
Last updated: 3/10/2024

Discussion Post A Board Posts 25 total re of your participation you will write 200 word minimum to the readings as well as responding to at least one other post In s I want to see concrete examples where you critically reflect on the This can include citing specific photographs and photographers al connections between different readings ideas themes and or the own argument Please refer to my separate guide on discussion posts Hetails Posts are due by Sunday 6pm almost every week There will not pportunity to post after the deadline so make sure you enter the due them in work settings transformed Hine s images from the general to specific making them appear genuine Decades later labor unions continued to utilize his images in their before and after campaigns to show how they had improved the lives of American children Hine generally an unwanted visitor at industrial sites developed ingenious ways to make his images He posed as a fire inspector postcard vendor Bible salesman and as an industrial photographer one who needed a child standing next to a ma chine to provide a sense of scale Working quickly with available light which ne cessitated large apertures and their accompanying limited depth of field Hine drew the viewer s attention to the face of the person chapter twelve social docu ments being portrayed He relinquished fine art references recording instead the dirty details of the industrial landscape and its small forlorn ill clad inhabitants With a less is more artistic stratagem Hine s minimalistic pictures had a greater and more immediate impact as they took on a sense of being objective records Hine exposed the myth that everyone could pull themselves up by their boot straps and succeed in America Moralistic tales such as Horatio Alger Jr s Ragged Dick or Street Life in New York with the Boot Blacks 1868 and subsequent nov els encouraged the capitalist rags to riches fable that in a free country poverty in early life is no bar to a man s advancement 12 Destroying these inane fantasies would discourage the rationalization of child labor as a training camp for junior capitalists Yet the children he photographed may be dressed in soiled rags but they are not sensationalized as in Jacob Riis s pictures of criminals and drunkards in squalor Hine made the process not the product of labor the focal point of his picturing those who labored instead of what they made he laid open