each chapter subheading into a question for xample change
Last updated: 2/23/2024

each chapter subheading into a question for xample change Gross Anatomy to What is the gross anatomy of the aorta Write a brief answer to each question in a short paragraph in your notebook Exchange answers with your lab partner and check each other s work Refer back to the textbook for fur ther information and explanation 2 What questions about the chapter do you still have Write your questions in your notebook answers Multiple Choice 1 Which of the following vessels is seen sonographi cally as a linear structure that courses inferior and parallel to the aorta VI CHAPTER EVALUATION EXERCISE Use a fresh sheet of notebook paper Based on your work with the chapter and its accompanying laboratory assign ments identify three concepts you believe are the most important You may draw from any of the assignments you ve already completed in the previous pages includ ing learning objectives anatomy and physiology images or chapter subheadings Include a detailed rationale in your answers a Celiac artery b Superior mesenteric artery c Renal arteries d Inferior mesenteric artery 2 Which of the following vessels are seen in a longi tudinal course when the transducer is oriented in a transverse scanning plane a Hepatic arteries b Gastric arteries c Renal arteries d Common iliac arteries True False 3 The celiac artery CA cannot be seen with reason able consistency on ultrasound 4 The anteroposterior measurement of the aorta should be obtained in an axial section to decrease variation among different sonographers 5 The SMA demonstrates a high resistance waveform in a patient who has not eaten 6 The right gastric artery can originate from the proper hepatic artery the gastroduodenal artery or the com mon hepatic artery 7 The right renal artery is longer than the left renal artery 8 Longitudinal sections of the proximal portion of the abdominal aorta appear linear in configuration and the mid and distal portions appear curvilinear 9 The most inferior branch of the aorta is the inferior mesenteric artery 10 Hematocrit measures how much of the total blood volume is red blood cells