ed discussion 10 points possible Discussion Post A due Feb
Last updated: 2/18/2024

ed discussion 10 points possible Discussion Post A due Feb 25 at 6pm 11 Board Posts 25 total ure of your participation you will write 200 word minimum to the readings as well as responding to at least one other post In s I want to see concrete examples where you critically reflect on the This can include citing specific photographs and photographers I connections between different readings ideas themes and or the wn argument Please refer to my separate guide on discussion posts tails Posts are due by Sunday 6pm almost every week There will not frontier regions Western society saw the American West unlike Eu rope as not having a fixed culture despite the longstanding presence of Native Americans Its perceived attraction was that no culture group or government had an established hegemony over others The West was therefore an escape from enclosure into a wide open space seemingly without history or a dynamic force of physical and tran scendental freedom waiting for someone to act upon it The American spirit was not housed in a cathedral but within people who believed that spiritual growth necessitated breaking free from society s con strictions and moving instead toward purifying solitude toward na ture toward Walden I go and come with a strange liberty in nature 23 said Thoreau The West combined these mythic ideals of American exceptionalism a contract with nature that distrusted authority and strove for dignity through performance based on self reliance In the West the easterner was a comic character encumbered with useless knowledge and too bogged down by theory to act 1