for the planets Jupiter and Saturn to determine the truth
Last updated: 6/7/2023

for the planets Jupiter and Saturn to determine the truth values of the simple statements Then determine the truth value of the compound statemen Phoebe has a larger diameter than Rhea if and only if Callisto may have water ice and Calypso has a diameter of 6 49 miles Click on the icon to display the information provided about the moons for the planets Jupiter and Saturn Determine the truth value of the first simple statement Phoebe has a larger diameter than Rhea Choose t True O False Determine the truth value of the second simple statement Callisto may have water ice Choose the correct False True Determine the truth value of the third simple statement Calypso has a diameter of 6 49 miles Choose the O True O False is the compound statement true or false O True O False Figure o Metis o Adrastra Amalthea o Thebe Jupiter OOOO lo Europa Ganymede Callisto o Leda Himalia O Lysithes o Elara o Ananke o Carme o Paiphae o Sinope Diameter of moonc 06 49 miles O 50 499 miles 500 999 miles 1000 3 161 miles o Pan o Allas Saturn Prometheus Pandora Epimethen Jamus Mimas Enceladus May have Waterie Alber Beth Tesly o Telest Calyp Dione o Helene Rhea Titan Hyperi Lapetus O Phoebe