glacier is a mass of ice on land that flows under its own
Last updated: 11/19/2023

glacier is a mass of ice on land that flows under its own weight due to gravity Which way does a glacier flow Downhill Uphill Depends on the temperature The glacier shown in Cross Section 1 is flowing downhill due to gravity A spike was put in the glacie at the arrow On Cross Section 1 draw an arrow showing the direction that the glacier is moving Imagine the glacier in Cross Section 1 shown is now shrinking due to warming temperatures Which diagram in Cross Section 2 A or B shows where the spike will be found in several years Explain your choice Two students are discussing which way glacier ice moves when a glacier is shrinking Student 1 Glacier ice always flows downhill because of gravity and A shows the ice flowing downhill The glacier shrinks because it melts faster than the glacier is flowing Student 2 I think the ice would flow backwards and carry the spike with it as shown in B Because the glacier is shrinking the ice would flow uphill I With which student do you agree Why rt 2 Glacier budget When a glacier is getting smaller it is often said that it is retreating Explain why this term may cause confusion in understanding how a glacier moves The amount of ice in a glacier is a balance between additions e g snowfall and subtractions e g melting a On Cross Section 3 circle where most material leaves the glacier due to melting b On Cross Section 3 circle where most material is added to the glacier due to snowfall that does not melt in summer