
If the density of New York City is 26,403 people per square mile, and the city is 302 square miles, how many people are living in New York City? 6,723, 874 people 7,973,706 people 1,346,395 people 880,000 people

Last updated: 7/17/2022

If the density of New York City is 26,403 people per square mile, and the city is 302
square miles, how many people are living in New York City?
6,723, 874 people
7,973,706 people
1,346,395 people
880,000 people

If the density of New York City is 26,403 people per square mile, and the city is 302 square miles, how many people are living in New York City? 6,723, 874 people 7,973,706 people 1,346,395 people 880,000 people