ILLUSTRATION 1 A rod of mass M m and length carries an
Last updated: 6/14/2023

ILLUSTRATION 1 A rod of mass M m and length carries an insect of mass m at its bottom end and top end is connected with a string which passes over a smooth pulley and other end of the string is connected to a counter weight of mass M Initially the insect is at rest Rod M m Insect Counterweight M If we consider insect rod counter weight as system a Is there any net external force acting on the system initially b If the insect starts crawling up on the rod with constant velocity whether the centre of mass of the system accelerates or not c If the insect moves up with acceleration does the centre of mass of the system accelerate d Find the displacement of centre of mass of the system when the insect reaches to the other end of the rod e Find the displacement of the rod when the insect reaches