In a study to determine if using low intensity laser therapy
Last updated: 11/27/2023

In a study to determine if using low intensity laser therapy reduces pain for orthodontic patients who are fitted with new braces patients were randomly assigned to either a control group who did n receive laser treatment or an experimental group who did receive laser treatment The researchers found that the mean pain rating was lower for those in the laser treatment group than for those the control group both two days and six days after receiving braces The researchers used these data to determine if there was evidence to support the claim that the mean pain rating is lower for patients who receive the laser treatment Answer the four key questions Q Question Type Estimation or hypothesis testing estimation O hypothesis testing S Study Type Sample data or experiment data Osample data O experiment data T Type of Data One variable or two Categorical or numerical one categorical variable one numerical variable Otwo categorical variables Otwo numerical variables MY NOTES N Number of Samples or Treatments How many samples or treatments one sample one treatment two samples two treatments