
In this adapted excerpt, Procopius describes Justininian.

Last updated: 7/9/2022

In this adapted excerpt, Procopius describes Justininian.

In this adapted excerpt, Procopius describes Justininian. Justinian created countless cities which did not exist before. And finding that the belief in God was... straying into errors... he... brought it about that it stood on the firm foundation of a single faith. Moreover, finding the laws obscure because they had become far more numerous than they should be, and in obvious confusion because they disagreed with each other, he preserved them [in the Code of Justinian, 529-534]... by controlling their discrepancies with the greatest firmness. Source: Procopius, Buildings, Loeb Classical Library, 1940 (adapted) According to Procopius, what were three contributions of Justinian?