Intensity 2888 8 20 Peak 60 1 50 P 40 30 20 Procedures 1 2
Last updated: 11/5/2023

Intensity 2888 8 20 Peak 60 1 50 P 40 30 20 Procedures 1 2 10 40 45 50 hkl 110 200 55 4 Calculate lattice parameter a according to a d h k 1 5 Calculate the averaged lattice parameter a 2 60 65 Two Theta degree From the XRD pattern measure the 20 angle of the peak 1 2 and 3 Calculate and sin20 20 measured from the XRD pattern 3 Calculate lattice parameter d according to the Bragg s law 2dsin 0 2 where is wavelength 1 541 70 0 sin 75 d 80 3 a 85