iscussion Post A oard Posts 25 total e of your participation
Last updated: 3/10/2024

iscussion Post A oard Posts 25 total e of your participation you will write 200 word minimum the readings as well as responding to at least one other post In I want to see concrete examples where you critically reflect on the is can include citing specific photographs and photographers Connections between different readings ideas themes and or the n argument Please refer to my separate guide on discussion posts ails Posts are due by Sunday 6pm almost every week There will not rtunity to post after the deadline so make sure you enter the due Thrift is the watchword of Jewtown as of its people the world over It is at once its strength and its fatal weakness its cardinal virtue and its foul dis grace Become an over mastering passion with these people who come here in droves from Eastern Europe to escape persecution from which freedom could be bought only with gold it has enslaved them in bondage worse than that from which they fled Money is their God Despite that the book is a landmark in American social reform 2 Always a muck raking reformer who recognized the value of photographs as social documents Riis continued to lecture as well as write He eventually published more than a dozen books including his autobiography The Making of an American 1901 and he remained an indefatigable magic lantern lecturer Although not free from prej udice and stereotypes his blend of amusement and instruction impelled civic minded people to act After Theodore Roosevelt became governor of New York in 1899 he worked with Riis to institute reforms Through his lectures and publica tions Riis demonstrated that photographs in combination with words could di rect social activity As part of this American wave of social reform Lewis Wickes Hine 1874 1940 a sociologist from Columbia University who became interested in artistic photog raphy began to photograph at Ellis Island in 1904 where 71 percent of all immi grants to America landed between 1892 and 1924 Hine taught camera courses and took his students such as Paul Strand to Stieglitz s 291 gallery As a teacher at the Ethical Culture School in New York a vital setting for the progressive move ment Hine employed photography to combat the rampant prejudice against the newly arrived peoples from eastern and southern Europe Using a 5 x 7 inch cam notential of these newly arrived individuals Hine s