Katrina and Kareena were crossing a river which is flowing
Last updated: 6/21/2023

Katrina and Kareena were crossing a river which is flowing towards right at constant speed 5m min travelling in two different boats having same speed in still water They have taken photographs of the river banks at t 0 t T t 2T times Bo Co are two trees on other bank of river Distance shown in diagram are in m T 1 min Photograph taken by Katrina B B t 0 15 3 15 3 t 0 Bo Photograph taken by Kareena 10 30 B t T 10 3 B t 2T 5 30 1 TC B 5 3 t 2T 0 Mark correct option A Katrina s boat has crossed the river in minimum time and Kareena s boat has crossed the river along the shortest path B Kareena s boat has crossed the river in minimum hos crossed the river along