L A health food store was introducing a new smoothie mix and
Last updated: 10/24/2023

L A health food store was introducing a new smoothie mix and set up a display offering free samples to shoppers The display was up from 10am to noon on Tuesday and 18 shoppers tried the new smoothie mix Out of the 18 shoppers 7 said they liked the new smoothie mix 8 said they did not like it and the rest were undecided The health food store manager thought the survey was biased but the store worker giving the samples did not think it was biased Who is right about the survey A It is not biased because people gave their honest opinions B It is not biased because the people who tried the product chose to participate in the survey C It is biased because only 17 people tried the product D It is biased because some of the people were undecided about liking the product