Light source S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 are in a line and all are
Last updated: 6/8/2023

Light source S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 are in a line and all are coherent with same wavelength X Distance between consecutive sources is a Sources S and S are oscillating in same phase all other sources are oscillating at a phase lag of 2 with both S and S In a wide central region of screen intensity due to all individual sources are same and equal to 1 O is midpoint of S3 and S4 OO is perpendicular to line of sources On screen at P exactly opposite of S4 resultant intensity found is 21 when only S3 and S4 are working and nowhere else between O and P intensity was found to be 21 Now if all sources are working the resultant intensity at P is nI Find n