Linear Linear programming can be used in a variety of
Last updated: 10/10/2023

Linear Linear programming can be used in a variety of situations In most of the business or economical situation resources will be limited The problem there will be to make use of the available resources in such a way that to maximise the production or to minimize the expenditure These datas can be formulated as linear programming models The objective of the linear programming problem is to maximize the profit and minimize the total cost inng Froblem The LPP is to determine the values of the decision variables such that all the constraints are satisfied and gives the maximum or minimum value for the objective function The maximum or minimum value of the objective function is called an Optimum value Formulation of LPP resources The formulation of any situation to a LPP is based on the following guidelines 1 Identification of decision variables 2 Formation of objective function which is to be either maximize or minimize 3 The various constraints involved due to the limited availability of Mathematical Formulation of LPP The general form of LPP is as follows Max or Min z C x C X Cnxn Subject to a 1x A 2X2 nxn b a21x1 a22x2 a2nxn b am1x1 am 2x2 amn n bm x 0 V