marks The system shown in the figure is initially at origin
Last updated: 6/26/2023

marks The system shown in the figure is initially at origin and is moving with a constant velocity 5m s k A force F 120t i acts on mass m2 here F is in Newton and time t is in seconds The man throws a light ball at instant when m starts slipping on m2 with a velocity 10 m s vertically up with respect to him self Taking the mass of each block and man as 60 kg and assuming that the man never slips on m The coefficient of fric between m and m is 0 2 There is no friction between m and ground Neglect the dimensions of the system The time at which man throws the ball is 3 sec y A I Projection velocity of ball with respect to ground is 31 10j 5k Projection velocity of ball with respect to ground is 1 5i 10j 5k OZ coordinate of the point where ball lands is 25 m I X man m m 0 2 Smooth Save