material and having the same cross section have Three rods
Last updated: 6/26/2023

material and having the same cross section have Three rods made of the same as A been joined as shown in the figure Each rod is of the same length The left and right ends are kept at 0 C and 90 C respectively The temperature of junction of the three rods will be JEE 2001 a 45 C c 30 Cabeldo Solution Let 0 be the temperature of the junction say B Thermal resistance of all the three rods is equal Rate of heat flow through AB Rate of heat flow through CB Rate of heat flow through BD Solving this equation we get The correct option is b Here R Thermal resistance f heat flow b 60 C d 20 C H 0 C Temperature difference TD Thermal resistance R Fig 22 14 stomex3 sowo wif 90 8 90 0 0 0 D B R R R 0 C 0 0 60 C A BSS elama itssh AS schpen Fig 22 15 1 s 90 C 90 C 90 C 90 C