Membrane phospholipids are asymmetrically oriented in
Last updated: 10/15/2023

Membrane phospholipids are asymmetrically oriented in phospholipid bilayers as a result of the ease or restriction of mobility with respect to the plane of the membrane Which of the following is NOT a correct thermodynamic interpretation of the phospholipid bilayer structure and asymmetry Phospholipids generally can rapidly rotate about their long axis to help increase the entropy of the system Phospholipids can rapidly exchange places with lateral neighboring phospholipids within the same leaflet of the bilayer to help increase the entropy of the system Phospholipids can rapidly flip flop from one leaflet or monolayer of a bilayer to another to decrease the enthalpy of the system Phospholipid polar head groups face outward to contact the aqueous environment to help decrease the enthalpy negative AH of the membrane solvent system