
ng conclusion from a statistical study appeared in the

Last updated: 10/29/2023

ng conclusion from a statistical study appeared in the

ng conclusion from a statistical study appeared in the article Is Marriage Becoming Irrelevant Fewer U S adults now than in past years believe it is very important for couples w have children together to be married Currently 29 say it is very important that such a couple legally marry down from 38 who held this view in 2013 and 49 in 2006 Indicate whether study is an observational study or an experiment Give a brief explanation for your choice Hint See Examples 1 2 and 1 3 This is an experiment because the researchers compared the changes in opinion over multiple time periods O This is an observational study because the researchers recorded responses to a survey No adults were assigned to different experimental groups This is an experiment because the researchers conducted different treatments on married and unmarried couples This is an observational study because the researchers recorded how many married and unmarried couples had children Need Help Read It Submit Answer DETAILS PECKSTAT3 1 2 002 MY NOTE 2 2 Points The article Walking Dogs Is Sending Older People to the ER Study Says describes a study that analyzed data from hospital emergency departments throughout the United States from 2004 to 201 The researchers found over 32 000 cases of fractures among people 65 and older that were associated with walking dogs They also found that these cases were becoming more frequent over time nuntional study or an experiment Give a brief explanation for your choice Hint See Examples 1 2 and 1 3