nucleotide substitutions synonymous silent no aa change
Last updated: 11/8/2023

nucleotide substitutions synonymous silent no aa change nonsynonymous aa altering missense from one aa to another aa haemoglobin A mutation occurred in the MC1R gene A mutation occurred in the MC1R mRNA nonsense sense codon Stop MC1R Based on your knowledge of mutations and protein synthesis which of the following is true of now a mutation can result in yellow coat color in Labrador Retrievers Select all that apply A mutation in the DNA results in an alteration of the mRNA The normal MC1R allele results in either black or brown fur color in Labrador Retrievers The mutant MC1R allele results in yellow coat color in Labrador Retrievers The mutant MC1R allele results in a stop codon replacing an amino acid codon The shortened MC1R gene product that results from the mutant allele is nonfunctional Because yellow Labrador Retrievers have this mutation they are less healthy then black or brown coated Labrador Retrievers Mutations are bad for the organisms that inherit them