on 2 Marchetta Bakery must select a supplier for the
Last updated: 7/2/2023

on 2 Marchetta Bakery must select a supplier for the ingredients that it uses in two of its New Jersey locations Middletown and Newark Each location uses different amounts of ingredients The different unit amounts of these ingredients are shown in a table Location Middletown NJ Fine Sugar Fine Sugar Brown Sugar 22 Confectioner s Sugar 15 Brown Sugar Sonny Bones Obtuse Brix 131 251 168 274 16 12 Confectioner s Sugar Newark NJ Source Bakers Weekly Issue 196 July 1 2023 The two supply companies being considered Sonny Bones Obtuse Brix and Charlie Boy Massecuite can each supply all these ingredients but at different prices per unit as described in the table below 142 19 Charlie Boy Massecuite 173 156 11 143 Honey 13 12 Honey Source Bakers Weekly Issue 196 July 1 2022 Use matrix multiplication to decide which supplier should be chosen to supply a 1 the Newark location