position at t 0 13 Figure 5 42 shows the position of a
Last updated: 6/24/2023

position at t 0 13 Figure 5 42 shows the position of a medium particles at 1 0 supporting a simple harmonic wave travelling either along or opposite to the positive x axis y cm 10 S 5 10 1 2 3 P 456 0 78 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 x m X Singl Fig 5 42 a Write down the equation of the curve b Find the angle made by the tangent at point P with the x axis 1 T 3 c If the particle at P has a velocity v m s in the negative y direction as shown in figure then determine the speed and direction of the wave 2 d Find the frequency of the waves e Find the displacement equation of the particle at the origin as a function of time displacement equation of the wave