Rafael was diagnosed with malignant melanoma Sequencing of
Last updated: 8/17/2023

Rafael was diagnosed with malignant melanoma Sequencing of his tumor genome after biopsy revealed the presence of an activated oncogene targeted by an anti breast cancer drug Although this treatment suppressed tumor growth for a while eventually the tumor stopped responding to the drug and Rafael died The reason for his death most likely was that O Treating one tumor type with a drug developed for another tumor type has a low chance of success O Oncogenes do not stimulate tumor growth tumor suppressors do that O Another mutation probably occurred in the already activated oncogene that made it resistant to the drug O The drug harmed non tumor cells that were suppressing growth of his tumor Malignant cancer cells have multiple mutations driving tumor growth additional driver mutations probably O occurred in his tumor cells that caused resumption of uncontrolled cell proliferation in spite of the action of the drug