The categories are based on the child s behaviors when the
Last updated: 3/3/2024

The categories are based on the child s behaviors when the child and mother are alone when the mother leaves when a stranger offers comfort and when the mother returns Secure attachment when mother is present the child plays comfortably The child becomes visibly upset when mothers leave and not likely to be consoled by stranger When mother reappears the child climbs in her arms calms down Insecure anxious avoidant the child is indifferent when mother is in the room they may or may not cry when mothers leave strangers can comfort When mother reappears the child may look away from her Insecure anxious resistant they stay close to the mother they become upset when she leaves and are not comforted when she returns They resist her efforts to console them They keep a wary eye on her Fourth category disorganized Some children cry loudly while climbing into mother s lap when she returns others refuse to look at her others scream when mother leaves but move away from her when she returns some children seem dazed in mother s presence Attachment to Fathers Ivaries with cultures Paternal involvement is increasing The specifics of family relationships play an important role in determining infant father attachment